
Your challenges
As local authorities or communities of communes, you play a key role in managing regional development and environmental protection. You are responsible for urban planning, risk management and adapting to climate and environmental challenges. Among your missions, the preparation or revision of Local Urban Plans (LUP) is central to guiding the development of their territory while ensuring its resilience in the face of natural and man-made risks.
Today, you are faced with complex trade-offs between budgetary constraints, the social acceptability of development projects, and the need to reduce risks linked to public health, heat islands or flooding. These issues make decision-making difficult.
MEWISO is an innovative decision-support solution that provides environmental expertise via clear, usable indicators, such as Enviro-Scores. For local authorities and communities, MEWISO offers several advantages:
Decision-making support for the evolution of the Local Urban Plan
To help you prioritize the actions to be taken on the territory, taking into account issues such as flood risk management, protection of natural areas, socio-economic issues and the development of future urban zones.
Adapting to natural hazards
By making it easier to take risk into account in planning policies, particularly with regard to the regulatory obligations of local authorities in the face of natural hazards (flooding, drought, eutrophication risk, etc.). Enviro-Scores enable predictive risk assessment, helping to identify vulnerable areas.
Improving environmental management
Providing an overview of local environmental issues (water quality, biodiversity, climate).
The provision of an intuitive interface to encourage consultation and dialogue
between elected officials, technicians and citizens thanks to interactive dashboards and maps.

MEWISO View: Efficiently monitor water resources
- Main function: Monitor, understand and manage water resources in your area.
- Action plans : prioritize interventions (e.g. hedge planting, wetland restoration, soil sealing).
MEWISO Sim: test the impact of developments
- Main function: Simulate the effects of development projects on the environment and water resources
- Anticipation: take into account the effects of climate change
- Comparison :Evaluate and compare different developments to select the most effective options
- Scale : studies at watershed level to assess overall impact
- Ecological transition : A tool for sustainable management and minimization of natural risks while maximizing socio-economic benefits
MEWISO Zoom: accurately assess natural hazards and environmental indicators
- Main function : Precise assessment of natural hazards (flooding, erosion, clay swelling and shrinkage, climatic hazards)
- Application : Suitable for agricultural sites, infrastructures and investments.
- Accuracy : Analysis on a fine scale (1 meter) with enviro-scores
- Anticipation : I Identification of risks for streets, neighborhoods, buildings and facilities
- Recommendations :Customized advice to mitigate risks and strengthen resilience
- Planning: Helping to design optimized developments to protect against natural hazards and climate change